Term Limits or Nobility?
When our country was founded the framers of its structure did not put into place term limits, but left it open for future legislators to do so if deemed appropriate. Initially our President didn't have term limits, in fact FDR was elected to a 4th term! The 22nd Amendment changed all of that on March 24th 1947 following our 32nd president's 4th electoral win in 1944, and ratified in 1951. Thirty-two president's before term limits! Something I bet most are unaware of. Some of our nations founders were okay with life-appointments for the office of president while others, such as George Mason, denounced such ideas as establishing an 'elected monarchy'. I think Mason was right and I think I can prove it. Have you ever wondered why it is that our members of congress are not subject to term limits? While I was discussing the topic with my wife, she quickly looked up the current Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. She has been serving in the House since 1987 starting h...