Politics and Society: Masculinism

First of all, to illustrate how one-sided our society has become, the word Masculinism is not even recognized as a word by most spell-checkers (MSFT, Google, etc.), meaning that it is not a word. In binary world of gender we have either the masculine or the feminine. Those that are activists for the rights of the feminine (i.e. biological women, do we really need to preface that with "biological"?) are called feminists and their movement is called feminism. Those that advocate for the rights of the masculine side of this binary are not called masculinists... yep not even a word, nor is masculinism. Do you know what are words? Misogynist, patriarchal, chauvinist, and of course bigot. Anyone who tries to represent the interests of men in general are insulted, attacked, smeared and even called 'racists', like that makes any god-damned sense. Doesn't matter if it makes sense so long as said persons are effectively silenced. Yep. And they call anyone politically right of Bernie Sanders a fascist. Pot calling the silverware black.
But what about the plight of the woman?? What frickin plight? There may have once been a plight, but no more. Don't get me wrong, I have daughters and I wish them every opportunity that they seek. Luckily they have that and more. They have more than twice the opportunity I had when I was their age. Grants to start businesses, priority contracts as female business owners, higher college admission rates, higher college graduation rates, lower suicide rates, priority employment opportunities, and the ability to label any roadblock in their path as a misogynist obstruction of some poor bastard somewhere regardless of the facts and thus retain free of charge to public relations efforts of an army of man-hating feminists to advocate for them.
Traditional or classical liberals believed in the equality of opportunity. We now have an imbalance in this arena that shows disfavor to the male, especially the white-male, even more so if that white male is heterosexual, even more still if he identifies as a 'he'... and God forbid he be Christian. No more is there an equality of opportunity, if you are female or a member of an ethnic or religious minority you are given priority regardless of individual merit. Individual merit was the whole point of classical liberalism. The idea that your individual talents and gifts, your accomplishments and efforts, and your experience spoke for your qualifications and that your gender, ethnicity and your religious background did not. We have implemented the exact opposite of that. Equality of opportunity no longer exists. Still that is not enough for the feminists and their allied special interests. They also want equality of outcome. So say you work for a corporation, like say Intel, and you apply for a job as a application developer. If you are a woman (or maybe even identify as a woman) you are 4-5 times more likely to get hired because women only make up 20% of Intel's employment base. It doesn't matter that only 17% of graduates with a degree in Computer Science are female, feminists want the number to be at least 50/50 (guess what folks, they won't stop there).
As a white heterosexual male that prefers the pronouns, 'he', 'his', and 'him' I find my opportunities in the Golden State dwindling. I have effectively been trapped into my job working for a large corporation and have to work much harder peers that identify differently than I do because the folks in charge way up the chain are always looking to alter the demographic that represents less and less of us misogynistic whiteys. I'm not saying they are looking to fire white dudes, its a corporation, they are always looking to reduce somewhere and they prefer to not have to let females go... or black people, or Hispanic people. My options are limited, trying to get into other companies that are doing the same thing, restricting hiring to women and certain under-represented minorities. In my early forties, I am not that recent college grad that will start off working for peanuts for the same work, my experience is apparently a bad thing (for some reason, perhaps because us older folk are wise to the corporate brain-washing and just don't bite like the young fish). Some of us even joke about putting on some make-up, hitting the thrift store for a +size dress for job interviews just to increase our chances... go by Jackie instead of Jack. Ridiculous.

If you're a femi-nazi and you're reading this you're probably thinking 'that poor man's daughters! I bet he beasts his wife'. First let me respond by saying; Fuck off. Anyone that knows us would laugh at any accusation that I beat or oppress her. If you're still with us then please close your mouth and read on. Instead of what you might think of me as an example of an uncaring miso-mansplaining, woman-hater, my wife and my daughters will attest that I have provided a decent example of how a man should properly treat a woman (with respect, dignity, and a splash of worship) as well as a strong, warm, and loving father figure. Something that is very important to the development of young women and young men alike. It does not require me to watch The View, or learn to knit, take a baking class, or a dance class. While my daughters are into 'girly' things, they also know a thing or two about fishing and marksmanship. They can pluck a bird and help clean such game with the best of them (without complaint), they are stronger and more independent than most of your boys and do you know why that is? Because their father is a man and he isn't afraid of that fact like society would have him feel.
Society needs strong men just as it needs strong women and for most of us to be just that. I'm all for being accepting to the fraction of people that don't quite fit those roles but I'm so over the act of taking a back seat to such a minority. Again, its about equality, not special treatment.
The truth is men don't want a movement for themselves. Identifying as a man also means identifying as strong not needed the special handling of padded gloves or oven mitts, perhaps we're indoctrinated with the idea of "women and children first" (a noble and honorable sentiment in my book), and thus have an aversion to making a fuss about ourselves, but that's one of the things that it means to be a man and I won't be ashamed of it. There is this 'Red Pill' documentary out there where a feminist woman decided to look into some men that were advocating for men's rights. My first though was, "what a bunch of pussies, advocating for men's rights" it is not manly to be a whiner or complainer, but the more I watched this (at my wife's request with our teenage daughters) I realized that these "whiners" had very good points. While women feel societal pressure to look pretty to attract and secure a partner men are pressured to be successful for the same reasons. I thought back to my young boyhood and it was already a fear and anxiety that I would not be successful as an adult male and be either a lonely S.O.B. or a failure to my family... a responsibility that I gladly take by the way... but these guys were right regarding the double-standard. At least in a sense. I think it all really just boils down to basic nature, not American culture. Men for the most part are wired to be providers, it gives us meaning and purpose. When we are doing well at this we are basically happy. Women are wired to be nurturers, its basic biology, there are of course some exceptions to both of these basic truths, but the overwhelming majority of men and women fit into these gender-specific roles. Like men, when women are successful in their role they are basically happy (life is tough, no one, man or woman, is happy all the time), a problem I see in our culture and society is that women have been convinced that they too need to go out and succeed(and are seldom happy in this), taking on the provider role, and men have been told to make room and support this otherwise you are an un-evolved cave-man and we will sue you for everything (striking him down in his provider role BTW), and since this our consumerism has exploded to such a point that most households require a mother and father provider thus the nurturing role is neglected. Men not only have to compete with each other but not also with women whom have recently been cast more favorable than men. This is the blue pill people. American children are being well-provided for but are nurture-anemic. For this reason my wife dissolved the business partnership that she was 50% owner of when our oldest entered Middle School to focus more on her role as a mother to our daughters. As a result our daughters now a High School Senior and Junior are amazing, well-adjusted, independent, thoughtful young women looking at colleges and career options.
Childhood development with out the balance of nurture and security leads to all kinds of problems later in life most of which result in some sort of social dysfunction. The current Liberal movement (not the classical liberals) is regressive in nature. Moving away from equality it attacks the foundations of society in favor of state-provided alternatives. The effectiveness of the classic family structure is questioned or dismissed, welfare programs that started back in the 1960's have incentivized the destruction of the family unit with a program that has targeted black households more than any, yeah, the Democrats knew what they were doing, this is what they intended, effectively creating dependency and reliance on the state and ensuring votes at the same time. There is a form of slavery present in America today and it is called the Welfare State. If you want to understand what a lack of nurturing mother and providing father looks like I beg you to take a look at the correlation between fatherless households and crime.
These are the successes of feminism, and neo-liberal social justice and we have been censored from speaking out against this by the pseudo-religious orthodoxy of political correctness. If you doubt this then look at the sources of division in our great nation and follow them to their roots. Let me know what you find.

I'm a Masculinist. I work hard to provide for my family, I wear facial hair, I split wood, fish, target shoot, wrench on cars, play guitar, drink beer, like sci-fi, I salute the flag and will never take a knee, and I'm not ashamed of any of these. I believe that those that are like me or that support men like myself should not be bullied or vilified, after all, it is not we that deny our nature.

**** 10/24/17
After posting this I realized that I was not quite done with it. Some might think from the content above that I advocate for females leaving the work force and staying home to raise babies. This is simply not the case. My point, a point my wife has made to me, is that the idea that women should abandon the housewife vocation in pursuit of a provider vocation has been forced on our sisters, mothers, and daughters to such an extent that those that choose the housewife vocation often feel they have to defend that choice especially to women that have chosen differently. This is not without a just cause, many times my wife has suffered the disappointed looks of "professional" women that look down upon this choice as a gross betrayal to the feminist movement when in reality the choice my wife and those like her have made has been to not deny the part of them that is called into this vocation. Why have we taken the direction to shame people for adhering to traditional gender roles as some form of villainy or primitive behavior? If my daughters choose to not have children and be "professional" I will of course support that, I simply do not agree with the societal expectations for them to do so.
In the same respect society has shamed men whom are essentially manly. Take the average millennial for example, they are the pussified version of previous generations with a few notable examples (really started with GenX I think, my generation). It's not a bad thing for a guy to be in touch with his feminine side I am just saying it might not be so good if that is all he has left. We are men, the masculine of the binary, we should therefore retain our masculine side and for most of us our masculine side should be the more prevalent aspect of our nature. Going against this basic truth has created a couple generations of biological males that don't know how they should behave with their nature often conflicting with the image of identity that they feel pressured to adhere to. And people wonder why suicide among men is nearly double that of women. This is certainly a factor.
Another thing about men that I have heard from some women is that they(women) are more attracted to the masculine "manly" guy, some even stating that if they wanted someone feminine they'd date a woman. It may not be what they feel they're supposed to desire as our liberal society has defined, but it is basic nature for the average woman to be attracted to what they perceive as a providing male. Women that seek the less masculine guy may very well be looking for a man that is more easily controlled and if that is the case then there is already no respect and without respect between partners it is doomed to fail. Someone will cheat, leave, commit suicide, fall into addiction, bicker and fight constantly... not such a good environment for a child is it? The whole relationship-respect topic is a whole other bag.
The best example of a father for a boy is a man that is masculine and that treats his wife with respect and loves her madly, likewise, a daughter learns a good lesson on what is acceptable treatment from a man, to learn and see what is healthy so that they too may experience such success in future relationships. I feel like I'm just going on at this point. I think you get the point.
The conclusion here is that the total abandonment and subsequent vilifying of the traditional male and female roles have resulted in a significant contributing factor of the degradation of our society. As a result we are less fulfilled, more anxious, and less successful. As a man, I call upon other men to be... manly, and that is something you should not be ashamed of.
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