Politics and Society: T.D.S.
Everyone has their opinions on different things and when it comes to politics these days those opinions have invoked something akin to religious zeal in some people. I've written at length regarding the orthodoxy of the ends of the political spectrum, especially the left end of it. Despite my previous points that they all should have read (clearly I'm joking), the left is doubling-down on this insanity (by definition, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results).
Right. So I'm going to quickly go through events that date back to 2016 then get on with my point(s).
Here. We. Go.
In his statement regarding the Clinton email server Comey changed "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless", prior to interviewing Clinton, all this following a meeting between Loretta Lynch (Comey's boss) and Bill Clinton on a tarmac while this investigation is ongoing (ahem, collusion?).
Peter Strzok edits the statement at Comey's (His boss) request and advised by Lisa Page whom happens to be Strzok's lover (an act of infidelity that soldiers get dishonorably discharged for), which we now know had texted each other exhibiting clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton before either of them were their respective party's nominee. Strzok also just happens to end up heading an investigation against the Trump campaign for alleged collusion with Russia in election-tampering based on a trumped-up (pun intended) dossier that the DNC paid for so that they could accuse the Trump campaign of election meddling and obtain FISA court warrants to spy on Trump staffers (and perhaps Trump himself) -which ironically, due to alleged Russian-hacking of the DNC we know the Democrats are actually guilty of (meddling), at least with their own primaries (sorry Bern), and very likely with the actual election based on secret video tapes that clearly show DNC-affiliates conspiring to bring busloads of folks in from other states to effectively vote twice, and by getting illegal aliens in states like California to vote. Why? I have no clue, we all know CA would go Clinton, but perhaps not so in places like Texas, and Arizona - prompting an investigation that resulted in the more suspicious states like CA in refusing to share election data with Federal investigators. And we now see San Francisco openly registering illegals to vote in school district elections. Motive, evidence, and now precedent. I think the DNC folks assumed that with his business connections, and obvious fondness for Eastern-European women, they would invariably find something incriminating and at least get him to commit perjury or something. I guess he's not as big a dirt-bag as they wanted him to be or try and make him sound. Why people aren't flocking away from the democratic party I will never know.
When no one could produce solid evidence of Trump colluding they tried going after him for obstruction, which did not stick. Trump was advised to fire Comey based on poor performance and poor handling of the Clinton investigation, something democrats had been calling for as they wanted to attribute Clinton's unexpected loss to the timing of Comey's investigation. The man who advised this is (A.G. R.R.) now investigating him for obstruction had the audacity to bring up Comey's firing as a likely attempt by Trump to derail/obstruct the Russian investigation.
Corruption, conspiracy, lies, and more lies.
See Gregg Jarrett's commentary on this here.
Nothing has stuck to Trump, yet the smear campaign (because that's what it is) continues and will go on at least until these mid-term elections in 2018, and that is the only reason that these investigations have not concluded. I don't think that they're going to have the effect that is desired. I believe that the political left is eating its own head, losing their minds in what has been coined by some as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or T.D.S. for short.
What am I talking about? How about people in California trying to secede from the Union simply because Trump beat all odds and got elected? This effort got started before he was even sworn in. How about people like Maxine Waters and her supporters vowing to harass Trump's staff day and night, outside their homes? She and others like her have effectively encouraged supporters to stalk and harass people based upon political affiliation and whom they work for. Sounds like fascism to me. The instances of this insanity go on, every day there are multiple stories of anti-trumpsters doing bat-shit crazy things in their political outrage because their team lost (this is what happens when everyone gets a trophy). There are just too many to list, this blog would never end. Moving on
T.D.S. isn't pretty, it's not appealing and those of us that have not contracted T.D.S. are not likely going to vote for someone who has. So inoculate yourself now with knowledge, look at what our president is actually accomplishing, and also go look at how fascism has risen in the past. I think that, like me, you will find that it's folks like our T.D.S. friends that gave rise to such ideologies, and not men like Trump.
I didn't vote for Trump, and I still don't like the way he presents himself and represents the States internationally... but my disdain ends at appearances. I didn't think he could be trusted with the responsibility of the office, based mostly on his outbursts and attitude, which has changed little (if any). But he hasn't nuked anyone as many thought he would as soon as someone (Iran, N.Korea) insulted him, instead his responses were firm and unyielding but always leave a door open for negotiations. As a result he has accomplished more economically and in foreign policy in 18 months than any president before him had accomplished in four years (or more) going back to at least Reagan. He hasn't yet got us into any new wars, in fact, he has helped all but eradicate ISIS. I'm pretty sure his rhetoric with Iran will lead to the negotiation table and not the battlefield, as it did with North Korea.
People still think he's a sexist or racist (or both) even though he has appointed women and minorities to high offices never before held by such individuals. He's still a bigot even though his economic efforts have resulted in the lowest unemployment rate among minorities ever. EVER. If this trend continues we will see the lowest overall unemployment rate ever, as it is now it is lower that it has been in 60 years. Think about that, 1958. He's brought GDP up and above what either of his last two (or three?) predecessors achieved. I have been slow to give him credit for this success, but as I have dug into it I can't deny it any more. Trump is good for our economy. Trump is bad for our adversaries. Trump is bad for our allies that have been taking us for granted. He talks like an ass, that's not likely to change, it makes him not very palatable. I used to work for a telecommunications company that worked with local communications companies all over America (and sometimes Europe). The rudest people I had to deal with were New Yorkers, God they were pricks! But they did good work, it's just the way they were. They were a lot like Trump, blunt and abrasive. Do we want a smooth sweet-talker that does a mediocre job or do we want someone that gets the job done?
I didn't trust him, and to be honest we really shouldn't trust politicians, however, with Trump there are many more reason to trust the man.
Trump is far from perfect, for sure. There are things about his policies that I am not happy with, his policy on climate change being one of them. Another is immigration, but I am not as critical as most that you hear from. I have heard of a republican congressman being refused entry to inspect centers where illegals are being held, and being refused the opportunity to speak with the person in charge. This is not acceptable (I have not verified this story). Regarding the policy of detention my take is that Trump is merely enforcing the law as it is written, as democrats in the 1990's revised it. I don't like it. Most of us have a serious problem with it, but I think that Trump is using this to get congress to draft new policies, something he tried to get them to do when drafting the 2018 budget. They would not do so partly because they did not want to fund a wall. That was a mistake, Trump is funding the wall with the increase in Military budget, you got played Democraps! The partisan politics around this has resulted in a persistent bad policy, he tried to bring them to the table but the democrats refused (I think he knew as many did that it would be thus), now they got nothing and will need to do the job they should have done months ago regardless. In this act Trump showed the world that his back-up plan will be less palatable to you than the plan being negotiated, if rejected he will still get his way and his adversaries will get nothing. It's just a damn shame that folks fleeing north to the US have been caught in this mess.
Going over policies is not the subject of this post, rather, it is the reaction to them (policies). This immigration deal is a good example, as was the travel ban, similar to one Obama implemented. It eventually included Venezuela and North Korea and only about 12% of Muslim-majority nations (based on population - see The Ban that I posted back in Feb'17), yet the left reacted to it like Trump was trying to ban all Muslims from travelling to the U.S. calling it his "Muslim Ban". I have always heard that it is actions that matter, for good, or bad. But these days the political left is far too focused on speech, to them saying the "wrong" thing is a form of heresy. This is a dangerous ideology folks.
Now there's the Helsinki meeting, to be honest, I am not thrilled with. Obama met with Putin without any aids present, but Obama was not being investigated for Russian collusion right? Keep in mind that investigation is based on fabricated evidence and motivated solely by politics, a witch-hunt that people have accepted readily because of how they 'feel' about our 45th President. Even still, their reactions fall short of calling for his head (and I think that is only because they believe that the FBI or Secret Service would be kicking in their doors within moments of such a threat.) Trump Derangement Syndrome!
I wish President Trump spoke more like the presidents before him, but what matters to me most is that he is not selling us all out, like those before him. To wish to go back to that? I'd have to be deranged...
Right. So I'm going to quickly go through events that date back to 2016 then get on with my point(s).
Here. We. Go.
In his statement regarding the Clinton email server Comey changed "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless", prior to interviewing Clinton, all this following a meeting between Loretta Lynch (Comey's boss) and Bill Clinton on a tarmac while this investigation is ongoing (ahem, collusion?).
Peter Strzok edits the statement at Comey's (His boss) request and advised by Lisa Page whom happens to be Strzok's lover (an act of infidelity that soldiers get dishonorably discharged for), which we now know had texted each other exhibiting clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton before either of them were their respective party's nominee. Strzok also just happens to end up heading an investigation against the Trump campaign for alleged collusion with Russia in election-tampering based on a trumped-up (pun intended) dossier that the DNC paid for so that they could accuse the Trump campaign of election meddling and obtain FISA court warrants to spy on Trump staffers (and perhaps Trump himself) -which ironically, due to alleged Russian-hacking of the DNC we know the Democrats are actually guilty of (meddling), at least with their own primaries (sorry Bern), and very likely with the actual election based on secret video tapes that clearly show DNC-affiliates conspiring to bring busloads of folks in from other states to effectively vote twice, and by getting illegal aliens in states like California to vote. Why? I have no clue, we all know CA would go Clinton, but perhaps not so in places like Texas, and Arizona - prompting an investigation that resulted in the more suspicious states like CA in refusing to share election data with Federal investigators. And we now see San Francisco openly registering illegals to vote in school district elections. Motive, evidence, and now precedent. I think the DNC folks assumed that with his business connections, and obvious fondness for Eastern-European women, they would invariably find something incriminating and at least get him to commit perjury or something. I guess he's not as big a dirt-bag as they wanted him to be or try and make him sound. Why people aren't flocking away from the democratic party I will never know.
When no one could produce solid evidence of Trump colluding they tried going after him for obstruction, which did not stick. Trump was advised to fire Comey based on poor performance and poor handling of the Clinton investigation, something democrats had been calling for as they wanted to attribute Clinton's unexpected loss to the timing of Comey's investigation. The man who advised this is (A.G. R.R.) now investigating him for obstruction had the audacity to bring up Comey's firing as a likely attempt by Trump to derail/obstruct the Russian investigation.
Corruption, conspiracy, lies, and more lies.
See Gregg Jarrett's commentary on this here.
Nothing has stuck to Trump, yet the smear campaign (because that's what it is) continues and will go on at least until these mid-term elections in 2018, and that is the only reason that these investigations have not concluded. I don't think that they're going to have the effect that is desired. I believe that the political left is eating its own head, losing their minds in what has been coined by some as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or T.D.S. for short.
What am I talking about? How about people in California trying to secede from the Union simply because Trump beat all odds and got elected? This effort got started before he was even sworn in. How about people like Maxine Waters and her supporters vowing to harass Trump's staff day and night, outside their homes? She and others like her have effectively encouraged supporters to stalk and harass people based upon political affiliation and whom they work for. Sounds like fascism to me. The instances of this insanity go on, every day there are multiple stories of anti-trumpsters doing bat-shit crazy things in their political outrage because their team lost (this is what happens when everyone gets a trophy). There are just too many to list, this blog would never end. Moving on
T.D.S. isn't pretty, it's not appealing and those of us that have not contracted T.D.S. are not likely going to vote for someone who has. So inoculate yourself now with knowledge, look at what our president is actually accomplishing, and also go look at how fascism has risen in the past. I think that, like me, you will find that it's folks like our T.D.S. friends that gave rise to such ideologies, and not men like Trump.
I didn't vote for Trump, and I still don't like the way he presents himself and represents the States internationally... but my disdain ends at appearances. I didn't think he could be trusted with the responsibility of the office, based mostly on his outbursts and attitude, which has changed little (if any). But he hasn't nuked anyone as many thought he would as soon as someone (Iran, N.Korea) insulted him, instead his responses were firm and unyielding but always leave a door open for negotiations. As a result he has accomplished more economically and in foreign policy in 18 months than any president before him had accomplished in four years (or more) going back to at least Reagan. He hasn't yet got us into any new wars, in fact, he has helped all but eradicate ISIS. I'm pretty sure his rhetoric with Iran will lead to the negotiation table and not the battlefield, as it did with North Korea.
People still think he's a sexist or racist (or both) even though he has appointed women and minorities to high offices never before held by such individuals. He's still a bigot even though his economic efforts have resulted in the lowest unemployment rate among minorities ever. EVER. If this trend continues we will see the lowest overall unemployment rate ever, as it is now it is lower that it has been in 60 years. Think about that, 1958. He's brought GDP up and above what either of his last two (or three?) predecessors achieved. I have been slow to give him credit for this success, but as I have dug into it I can't deny it any more. Trump is good for our economy. Trump is bad for our adversaries. Trump is bad for our allies that have been taking us for granted. He talks like an ass, that's not likely to change, it makes him not very palatable. I used to work for a telecommunications company that worked with local communications companies all over America (and sometimes Europe). The rudest people I had to deal with were New Yorkers, God they were pricks! But they did good work, it's just the way they were. They were a lot like Trump, blunt and abrasive. Do we want a smooth sweet-talker that does a mediocre job or do we want someone that gets the job done?
I didn't trust him, and to be honest we really shouldn't trust politicians, however, with Trump there are many more reason to trust the man.
- He has delivered, or tried very hard to deliver, on every campaign promise he made. If they are not yet done they are in process at an unprecedented rate.
- He is not beholden to special interest or billionaire donors, and is therfore far less likely to be corrupted.
- If he makes a single legal mistake every single democrat, independent, and even a bunch of republicans will take him to task and the impeachment process will begin. There's an analogy, a friend works for Intel and he once said that he believes he can basically trust the company for the most part because it has such a spotlight, or microscope on it. The SEC, the EU, and many legal firms have all sued it in the past. As a result its employees are inundated with compliance and conduct training every year. Now this does not mean that I trust the guy 100%, that would be stupid, but it is reason to trust him more than anyone that has held his position at least since the 1980's. He cannot make a mistake or it's game over.
Trump is far from perfect, for sure. There are things about his policies that I am not happy with, his policy on climate change being one of them. Another is immigration, but I am not as critical as most that you hear from. I have heard of a republican congressman being refused entry to inspect centers where illegals are being held, and being refused the opportunity to speak with the person in charge. This is not acceptable (I have not verified this story). Regarding the policy of detention my take is that Trump is merely enforcing the law as it is written, as democrats in the 1990's revised it. I don't like it. Most of us have a serious problem with it, but I think that Trump is using this to get congress to draft new policies, something he tried to get them to do when drafting the 2018 budget. They would not do so partly because they did not want to fund a wall. That was a mistake, Trump is funding the wall with the increase in Military budget, you got played Democraps! The partisan politics around this has resulted in a persistent bad policy, he tried to bring them to the table but the democrats refused (I think he knew as many did that it would be thus), now they got nothing and will need to do the job they should have done months ago regardless. In this act Trump showed the world that his back-up plan will be less palatable to you than the plan being negotiated, if rejected he will still get his way and his adversaries will get nothing. It's just a damn shame that folks fleeing north to the US have been caught in this mess.
Going over policies is not the subject of this post, rather, it is the reaction to them (policies). This immigration deal is a good example, as was the travel ban, similar to one Obama implemented. It eventually included Venezuela and North Korea and only about 12% of Muslim-majority nations (based on population - see The Ban that I posted back in Feb'17), yet the left reacted to it like Trump was trying to ban all Muslims from travelling to the U.S. calling it his "Muslim Ban". I have always heard that it is actions that matter, for good, or bad. But these days the political left is far too focused on speech, to them saying the "wrong" thing is a form of heresy. This is a dangerous ideology folks.
Now there's the Helsinki meeting, to be honest, I am not thrilled with. Obama met with Putin without any aids present, but Obama was not being investigated for Russian collusion right? Keep in mind that investigation is based on fabricated evidence and motivated solely by politics, a witch-hunt that people have accepted readily because of how they 'feel' about our 45th President. Even still, their reactions fall short of calling for his head (and I think that is only because they believe that the FBI or Secret Service would be kicking in their doors within moments of such a threat.) Trump Derangement Syndrome!
I wish President Trump spoke more like the presidents before him, but what matters to me most is that he is not selling us all out, like those before him. To wish to go back to that? I'd have to be deranged...
I've had some grammar and spelling feedback, some of which got past my first proofer, but not my lovely bride. Thanks babe!