Diversity Strikes Back?

So, I'm laughing as I write this, for the life of me I cannot fathom how people cannot see how fundamentally philosophically flawed all this diversity non-sense is. Take this comment from a colleague from an internal platform...
"Annual Women Diversity Increase: 8.5%. Technical Women Diversity Incerase? 3.8%. There's a problem here..."

That was a direct paste so I'm leaving the misspelled word in there. I'll admit, it was click bait for me, so I followed the thread with the typical "this ought to be good" sentiment. The author goes on to point out that while our company has increased the percentage of women employed by 8.5% only 3.8% are in technical roles. She wants to know how management is going address this atrocity.

So I have three answers (yeah I got upper management written all over me!):
1. We're going to force women whom apply for non-technical openings into technical jobs, whether they like it or not. That or we have to discriminate against women for non-technical jobs. "No you can't apply for a non-technical job, because you're a woman", wait, let me check, yep that's discrimination.
2. We're going to fire some men, even though they are performing quite well, so that there are more openings available for female STEM graduates. Probably just the white and Asian men, because, well, isn't it obvious.
3. We're going to create openings, job req's, that we don't really need and artificially grow our workfarce (yes I meant that) so that we have enough spots open to achieve whatever number you'll be happy with... Wait, you'll never be happy, that's right, not even when 51% are women, half the board (or more) are women. When has it ever been enough for extreme liberals?

What do these people expect? We have watched hiring go almost exclusively female in the the last couple years, I have heard (and blogged) about managers being forced to promote the girl over the guy when it was clearly unmerited. Lower grades are represented by a 38+% female workforce in this org, that means new hires. The further up the grade you go, the lower that representation, as it takes time to advance (one promotion a year folks), but the graduation representation for these fields is around 20% female, that means the company is discriminating against men!

We shouldn't force people into career paths that they are not interested in. I know of at least one family that won't pay for their daughter's college unless these brilliant young ladies choose a STEM field. Hang Med-School, you'll be an engineer! Loving parents. Innovation comes from energetic minds, interest, curiosity... not from conformity. Savvy?

I will close with this; your gender, sex, sexual-orientation, race, economic background, disability status, and your political affiliation should not matter one bit when you apply for a job or try for a promotion. Such successes should be based solely upon merit and ability. Period. Anything else is, by definition, discrimination! (and criminal).



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