
Showing posts from April, 2019

Trump and Israel on Iran

The Coming Conflict In case you have been distracted by much of the nonsense regarding what we have called "Russiagate" in the media, I'd like to take a moment to draw you attention to the building conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has been exacerbated by Trump's coziness with Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) and Israel. Bibi (Israeli PM) tweeted yesterday, "Thank you my dear friend Donald Trump for answering another one of my requests." What ever could he be talking about? Here's a short list: 1. Thanks for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (2018) and moving your embassy there. 2. Thanks for backing out of the Iran Nuclear deal and re-imposing sanctions 3. Thanks for recognizing that the Golan Heights is an official part of Israel (March 2019) 4. Thanks for classifying the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group. (Hasn't been done since Hitler's "SS"), they are like the Secret Service/CIA. (April 2019...