Trump and Israel on Iran
The Coming Conflict
In case you have been distracted by much of the nonsense regarding what we have called "Russiagate" in the media, I'd like to take a moment to draw you attention to the building conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has been exacerbated by Trump's coziness with Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) and Israel.Bibi (Israeli PM) tweeted yesterday, "Thank you my dear friend Donald Trump for answering another one of my requests." What ever could he be talking about? Here's a short list:
1. Thanks for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (2018) and moving your embassy there.
2. Thanks for backing out of the Iran Nuclear deal and re-imposing sanctions
3. Thanks for recognizing that the Golan Heights is an official part of Israel (March 2019)
4. Thanks for classifying the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group. (Hasn't been done since Hitler's "SS"), they are like the Secret Service/CIA. (April 2019)
5. Thanks for slowing your withdrawal of US forces in Syria.
I have a hard time believing Iran will let this go unanswered. Then again, Trump needs justification to convince Americans to wage war on Iran, and he's trying to provoke them. I think that they (Iranians) know this, and if they're smart (as they have proven to be so far) they won't bite. Maybe it won't matter, maybe the US public will once again fall for another "WMD's" argument, or something similar.
Here's my prediction: If Iran does not act, there will be an attack on the US, Saudi Arabia, or Israel that is a repeat of the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident". This could also happen in Syria where US assets and Iranian Revolutionary guard are both operating. Perhaps this is why Trump recently backed down from a rapid withdrawal of US forces in favor of a more slow one. Don't be surprised if he halts the withdrawal altogether, or even increases those numbers.
While this might be obvious to other nations when it happens, the only countries that will oppose Trump will be those we are already hating on. Venezuela, China, Russia, to name a few. All those other nations' economic health still rely too heavily on the Dollar, they can't afford to oppose the US. Remember: In the words of G.W. Bush... "If you are not with us, you are with the terrorists." The US can and will sanction anyone it deems to be supporting terrorism.
Somehow Trump's cabinet will tie this to Venezuela too, forcing Central and South American countries to begrudgingly go along with whatever crap they he tries to pull.
If we consider the election cycles in America my best guess is that this will all transpire prior to the 2020 election. Historically speaking presidents that enter into war late in their first term tend to get re-elected, perhaps this is due to the success of the propaganda machine painting the cause as the moral right thing and of course for the sake of democracy, liberty, and the Iranian people. It is always about "the people" be they Vietnamese, Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian, or Iranian. We've never waged war against another nation without the propaganda of 'the moral high ground', but make no mistake, the peoples mentioned above suffered like America hasn't known since the Civil War. We've also seldom waged war without the defining event such as the one I am predicting above. Whether you believe them false flags or not there is almost always an attack or event that pulls the US in.
Brief History
Explosion of USS
Initially thought
to be the result of Spanish-sabotage of the Maine in Havana Harbor, it was
later revealed to most likely be a boiler failure that triggered a munitions
explosion. Still got the job done.
World War I
Sinking of the
A German U-boat
sank the ship based on accurate intelligence that it was carrying illegal
arms to Britain from America. This part was left out initially and it was
enough to souring of public opinion of Germany
World War II
Attack on Pearl
While definitely
not a false flag, still a defining and required event that pulled the US into
the war.
Korean War
No event
Yeah, surprisingly
this one was purely strategic and came about after Northern Korean Communist
forces invaded the capitalist South.
Gulf of Tonkin
After the
bloodbath of the Korean war America was very hesitant to support yet another
war in Asia. We needed more justification. There were 2 incidents just days
apart. The first one turned out to be far more minor than originally reported
and the second never happened… deliberately. This was for certain a false
Persian Gulf War
Iraqi Violence
against Kuwait
To get us all
worked up a girl testified to the UN that Iraqi soldiers were going into
maternity wards in hospitals and dumping babies out of incubators onto the
floor. Among other lies to call us to arms, this one was no more than a well rehearsed act
that was performed by a Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter.
War on Terror,
Some tin-foil hat
folks think this was an inside job. Regardless of your beliefs in that matter
it most certainly was the event to trigger the US invading Afghanistan… and
events to follow. Former pentagon and military staff have reported that
shortly after 9/11 the White House and top pentagon officials identified
several nations they would go after next. Among them was, Iraq (Check), Libya
(Check), Syria (Check), Somalia (Check?), Yemen (Check) and Iran (Not quite
War in Iraq
Fake news ya'll.
In truth Saddam began trading Iraqi oil in Euro's. Can't have that can we?
Gaddafi was a bad
Afghanistan and Iraq the US needed unrest in the other middle east countries
to justify the coming claims of humanitarian crisis's. The CIA was then
tasked with helping give rise to an 'Arab Spring', one of the "successes" was
Libya, Gaddafi (known for harshly opposing rebellious efforts) responded as
predicted and SOTUS Clinton and POTUS Obama had justification for
intervention, and in Clinton's own words, "We came, we saw, he
died." We really got involved because Gaddafi tried to start trading his oil on a proposed African currency (like the Euro) that would be gold-backed
Chemical Attacks,
war on Terror
Chaos from Libya
found its way to Syria in the form of liberated Libyan arms. A multi-year
drought prompted protests from farmers calling for help, but "Arab
Spring' insurgents got into the mix. "Chemical attacks" and barrel bombs justified the US
and Saudi Arabia in supplying arms to the Syrian Rebels, mostly comprised of
ISIS, (Al Nusra) or Al Qaeda terrorists. With ISIS there, and Bashar's supposed chemical
attacks on his own people the Obama administration reluctantly saw fit to get
involved. The real reason is that Assad favored an oil pipeline that ran from Iran through Iraq to Syria and not the proposed pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Turkey (This is also why Turkey sided against Assad). This war is still ongoing.
While the US (to
my knowledge) does not directly have an involvement in Yemen, we are arming
Saudi Arabia, and advising them militarily as they participate in a proxy war
in Yemen with Iran. In a way we are already at war with Iran (Proxy War in Syria and YEmen)
No event yet
With the
withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear deal and increased sanctions, other
events that no other US president was bold enough (or dumb enough) to take,
and the recent classification of Iran's most elite military/police units as
terrorists it is only a matter of time before an event between Iran and
either Israel, the US or Saudi Arabia.
After Iran?
Worse case is not pretty. Right now both Russian and Chinese cyber-security divisions are on par or perhaps even ahead of any Western counterparts. Both are near-peer militarily to the US, together they might be too much for our military, but are still not on par economically. Though China's economy is still growing rapidly, and Cyber warfare might negate the economic advantage the US currently enjoys. We did have a spat of Navy vessels in the last couple years experience mysterious navigational fails and run into other ships. If they can disrupt our electrical grid, communications, banking, and markets, they can do a lot of damage without firing a single shot.
Will they get involved? Depends on how important Iran is to them. Both powers are working (together) towards a currency alternative to the dollar, probably the reason that both have been gobbling up all the gold they can. With Iran as a trading partner this might be more achievable, but perhaps not a big enough partner to justify military conflict with the US. That being said, I watched a news report on MSM recently where a person from the intelligence community dropped a comment that got my attention, he basically said that the US and China have been in a covert war for over a decade, and that overt was nothing more than an eventuality. Yeah, the media guy didn't know how to respond. Nor do I. I have a hard time believing it will go that far, only that, if it does it will begin with Iran.
Look to Iran and watch our foreign policy very closely over the upcoming months.
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