
Showing posts from August, 2017

Politics and Society: Far Left and Far Right

Listing to a news report this morning a journalist asserted something about the "Far Right" that struck me as odd. The assertion was that the racists groups we know as Neo-Nazi's and the KKK were part of the political right, specifically those on the far right end of the political spectrum, the extreme conservatives. After thinking about it for a moment I began to wonder how 'left' or 'right' such fringe groups actually are. Is Antifa actually left or liberal? Is the Alt-Right actually conservative? There is also the statement or idea that can be paraphrased as; the far-right is not racist but most racists are far right. Is that accurate? I think that we can say with some degree of confidence that people that tend to hold some measure of ethnic bigotry associate with conservative principles when it comes to things like marriage equality and illegal immigration, as do the extreme people (KKK, etc.) that want to do something about it, but the political righ...

Politics and Society: Charolettesville: A watershed moment?

So it's been nearly a week (as of this draft) since the mess in Charolettesville VA. As a person who applies the scientific method in his work I like facts, so let's try and point out a few. Of those protesting the removal of the Confederate statue and the renaming of Lee Park to something else there were: 28% Southern Nationalists 19% White Nationalists 19% Alt Right 19% ProudBoys and AltKnights 17% Militia and Oathkeepers (Constitutionalists) Let's see, 28+19(3)+17 = 102%... somebody's rounding up, so much for facts but we can get a glimpse of the make-up of these people. There doesn't seem to be much difference between the Alt Right and the White Nationalists, but I've never read anything racist about the Oathkeepers. What I'm wondering is where are the Neo-Nazi's and the KKK in this? Clearly we saw some? These numbers come from the FB page of one of the organizers so we can put its objectivity into question. Facts become less concrete. Let...

Politics and Society: Slavery Reparations

rep·a·ra·tion ˌrepəˈrāSH(ə) noun the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. Apparently there is a new movement with the end goal of getting reparations paid by the U.S. government to African Americans for the slavery that ended 152 years ago. Yes this is real. Where do I start? It's Divisive  Let's start with the divisive nature of this "movement". By proposing such an idea one is in fact asserting that African-Americans are in fact separate from the rest of America. This is in direct opposition to the efforts of liberal people/politics since the 1960's (the last 50-55 years) for ethnic equality based on the idea that we are all simply Americans and we are all equal. There is a hypocrisy inherent in this thinking, you cannot have it both ways. How effective will this be? The claim is that black Americans are impoverished still because of the trauma slavery has caused them, and ...

Politics and Society: Domestic Terrorism

Terrorism noun: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. James Alex Fields Jr. chose to drive his car into other vehicles and civilians. What is available so far is that the guy was most likely associated with a white supremacist group, or a sympathizer of one since the victims were folks protesting the presence of Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi's and KKK members in Charolettesville. The man had a history of violence at least with regard to his mother whom had called the police on more than one occasion because her son had gone off his meds and been violent and threatening around her. Oh, wait, his "meds"? So we are not talking about a mentally healthy person, right? Let's just assume that he was on his meds and decided that his White Nationalist Party demonstration getting cancelled by the local government and state troopers because of their fear of violent anti-protests triggered the emotional outrage tha...