Politics and Society: Domestic Terrorism

noun: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

James Alex Fields Jr. chose to drive his car into other vehicles and civilians. What is available so far is that the guy was most likely associated with a white supremacist group, or a sympathizer of one since the victims were folks protesting the presence of Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi's and KKK members in Charolettesville. The man had a history of violence at least with regard to his mother whom had called the police on more than one occasion because her son had gone off his meds and been violent and threatening around her. Oh, wait, his "meds"? So we are not talking about a mentally healthy person, right? Let's just assume that he was on his meds and decided that his White Nationalist Party demonstration getting cancelled by the local government and state troopers because of their fear of violent anti-protests triggered the emotional outrage that resulted in James driving his car into protesters.
Use of violence, check. Against civilians, check. In the pursuit of political claims, a stretch but... check. I think that this one fits well enough to be tried. It will get complicated when the issue around being on or off his medication comes up. I don't know if an insanity defense really holds water, rational people don't do shit like this. They also don't go into elementary schools and shoot up second graders. The left will only apply the criteria that fits their agenda. In this case a white guy drove a car into people that were anti-white nationalists... so it will be a race thing (which it probably is), but they won't blame the car and they will call it terrorism. A crazy dude shooting up a school, with very similar motives, will not be called a terrorist because the left wants to go after the gun. One agenda item supersedes the next. But that is not the point I want to make.
Instead lets talk about the Antifa protests. Antifa members have been showing up anywhere a conservative person, no matter their race, religion, or sexuality, intends to speak or conservative people (with dissenting views) decide to rally, demonstrate, or protest even when proper permissions are legally obtained in advance. The Leftist Antifa members deliberately attempt to silence the dissenting views. They do not rationally debate the views of others that are in opposition with their own, instead they will shout over the voices of those scheduled to speak, those that have been invited to speak, and those whom have obtained the legal right to publicly assemble. When this tactic fails to silence these voices they implement violence. So first they intimidate, then they resort to violence... against civilians... in the pursuit of political aims. That folks is the definition of terrorism. Certainly the SJW's that are the typical infantry of the Antifa-movement aren't strapping on suicide vests, but notice how they are quite reluctant to associate Radical Islam with terrorism. Think on that for a bit. In fact the hypocrisy of Antifa runs so deep it is even present in their name. They are without a doubt and authoritarian group, asserting effectively that we are free to speak about whatever we want to so long as it does not contradict their political views. That is fascism! But they are Anit-Fascists, right? Well, they are anti any form of fascism other than their own... anti-fascist fascism. Which makes sense because most SJW's (social justice warriors) are filled with a self-loathing, a trait that somehow makes them feel virtuous and superior.
Most of the media shares these views and thus this form of political violence has been normalized, they are slow to be critical of the Antifa-inspired riots because their viewer base sympathizes with the SJW's political stance. It is, after all, a business.
So while we rightly assert that James Alex Fields is a terrorist (and a loony), we must at the same time see the Anti-Fascists fascists as terrorists. They have been effective, the fear of violence at the Antifa protests have prompted officials to cancel this rally, as well as prompting universities to cancel the speaking events of folks like Milo Yiannopoulos, Anne Coulter (whom cancelled herself after being pressured/intimidated), among others. They are terrorists. or at least have evolved into terrorists, and their rhetoric has inspired others, like the cheerful Bernie Sanders supporter that took it upon himself to shoot up Republican congressmen at baseball practice. Again, the problem is not the gun its the thinking (or lack thereof) of individuals that decide to act. Where are they getting this? What is driving them to extremes? The left and the lefty-media need to take a long look in the mirror. I'm not talking about liberals, liberals have brought about the kind of just social changes this country desperately needed, I'm talking about the regressive left and the irresponsible media. Not people like my friend Bob that marched with MLK in Selma. But I am talking about the Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton's of this country. Those that have profited much off of the perception of institutional racism, those that keep racism and bigotry alive for their own gain. Think about it, if racial equality was achieved and we all accepted that it had been achieved what would the NAACP do? What relevance would the race-baiters have? Maybe not now but at some point we will have "progressed" to all our liberal objectives, what will happen to all these powerful people and organizations once that happens? Has it happened? Think about it, especially you women. Consider the questions below:
Have you ever been denied an opportunity for education due to your gender?
Have you ever been denied a job interview due to your gender?
Ever been denied a job position because you were female or a minority?

Chances are quite the opposite has happened. The corporation I work for is interested in the best candidates, for sure, but lately the hiring ratio  heavily favors any female then it favors the underrepresented minority groups. Yes we still hire white men, but at a rate that is far lower than the population of white males in the field of study that pertains to the position. Chances are greater that a white male has in fact been discriminated against because of his gender and ethnicity. It is because of this that unsavory groups like the White Nationalist Party and others like them have sprung up. They sound racist to me and I would not be surprised if most of them are racists... but is that because they are in fact white supremacists or is it because I have been programmed to view any group favoring the white people as racists? If we want to assert that any majority group does not need their own special interest group, and any such group is by default a bigoted and misogynistic then being that California is now a majority Hispanic, we should dissolve any of the many Latino civil rights groups in the Golden State right? Seems logical based on the aforementioned assertions, maybe those assertions are flawed. Maybe the more groups like this we have the more division we actually get. I think we should stop filling out race and gender on everything, if by the letter of the law all have equal rights then such details should not matter. It shouldn't matter, perhaps it still does, but when will it no longer matter? Will we ever get there? We will ever get there by being selective for or against any particular group? Not likely.
Time to do away with political correctness (Christ just think about that phrase for a second! It's an oxymoron!), time for us to stop focusing on gender or the amount of melanin in our skin and just call people, people. And start calling terrorists, terrorists.


  1. This right here sums it all up "Which makes sense because most SJW's (social justice warriors) are filled with a self-loathing, a trait that somehow makes them feel virtuous and superior." And it kills me that people don't see it.

    If you are going to call one thing a terrorist act, you must apply the same logic to all acts of a similar kind. Period. The majority needs to take over the conversation and quit allowing the minority to control it.


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