Politics and Society: Charolettesville: A watershed moment?
So it's been nearly a week (as of this draft) since the mess in Charolettesville VA. As a person who applies the scientific method in his work I like facts, so let's try and point out a few.
Of those protesting the removal of the Confederate statue and the renaming of Lee Park to something else there were:
28% Southern Nationalists
19% White Nationalists
19% Alt Right
19% ProudBoys and AltKnights
17% Militia and Oathkeepers (Constitutionalists)
Let's see, 28+19(3)+17 = 102%... somebody's rounding up, so much for facts but we can get a glimpse of the make-up of these people. There doesn't seem to be much difference between the Alt Right and the White Nationalists, but I've never read anything racist about the Oathkeepers. What I'm wondering is where are the Neo-Nazi's and the KKK in this? Clearly we saw some? These numbers come from the FB page of one of the organizers so we can put its objectivity into question. Facts become less concrete.
Let's look at other evidence, like the tiki-torch march the evening before. Seems innocent right? If your jaw dropped at this remark you are not alone, that's what many would want us to think, not much innocent about this event. What with the Nazi Salutes, Hitler-era chants and others like "Stop immigration, one people, one nation" I somehow doubt they meant all ethnicities with "one people", and I'd like to point out that immigration under the right, controlled circumstances has strengthened this nation. Certainly I agree that we cannot permit unchecked illegal immigration as it is not economically feasible but stopping immigration outright would prevent some of the most brilliant minds on the planet from coming here and contributing to this country. The march also had its fair share of people shouting racial epitaphs, which is not defendable even in the sense that such bigotry was isolated. If you are not a racists then why would you march with racists? Why would you be complacent in the hateful speech if you were against such ideas? Why would you permit such persons to be part of your event? The answer to all these questions is; you wouldn't!
The sad truth is that this Unite the Right rally may have had a legitimate point regarding the removal of the Lee statue and the renaming of the park, but that got lost and invalidated by the bigotry present in its ranks. Another truth is that they had the right to do exactly what they planned to do, we cannot limit free speech just because we disagree with it.
Another chant used was "White lives matter" and, "you will not replace us...". Is this nonsense? Why are they chanting this? Could it be because the democratic party and many leftists have made it a policy to import as many non-whites as they can? Go check for yourself, they don't even hide this anymore! Could it be that White Nationalists have become more active because of policies such as affirmative action? Why does the left show up to these events? Is it because these bigots might actually have a valid point about something?
By showing up to protest this rally all the left did was prove some of the Alt-Rights points correct and give it more publicity than it deserved or would have had if they hadn't showed up. Of course we would have heard even less about it had a deranged unmedicated loony not decided to drive his car into a crowd of protesters killing a young woman. This is a tragedy.
What to do about this? Let these bigots speak, don't show up in protest. If no one shows up and causes a fight then they will get no press, they will be silenced not by force but because no one is listening... because their views are antiquated and invalid (that's the belief right?). This is America, and in America everyone gets to speak their mind no matter how idiotic. As such the bad ideas get little or no support, don't let the bigots drag us backwards. They get global coverage the more such events escalate, reaching more that might just decide to see their view. "All press is good press" or so goes the adage.
I don't have all the details of why the police and state troopers could not keep the peace, they had plenty of preparation time, so being recalled to "re-gear" seems like a bad call. Re-gearing could have been done in smaller groups instead of abandoning two groups that hate one another to duke it out. This may be an over-simplification but basically the Alt-left hates white people and the Alt-right thinks white people are the greatest... in other words they both have strong feelings about white people on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are idiots. Both are fascists. The alt-left(Antifa) is not liberal, they are fascists in their own right... wanting one world view for all people and violently opposing dissenting views. Sounds like fascism to me.
I posted yesterday about what I considered to be domestic terrorism on the part of the alt-left, or Antifa, but I did not want those of you that read these rants of mine to think for one second I support the racism that does exist within parts of the Alt-Right. I don't like what the left is doing in America right now (and for the past several years), but I'm not about to side with racists to oppose them.
From what I can tell at this point is that the Alt-Right is pro-white, and likely white-supremacist and also happens to be conservative, but not necessarily pro-democracy or pro-constitution like most conservatives I know and respect. Their message is divisive, they may have points about the problems in America today but their solution is flawed and does not really represent the conservatives I know.
Antifa or the Alt-Left is a hotbed of leftist hypocrisy and engages in pseudo-terrorist practices, is also fascist (as the alt-right is) and hates white people just as much as the alt-right loves white people.
BLM or Black Lives Matter... or as I like to call them "OBLM", Only Black Lives Matter, is pro-black and anti white... they are anti-white, we cannot deny the evidence of that and are just as racist as the Alt-right. Maybe even as racist as the Neo-Nazi's and KKK, but at least as bigoted as the Alt-Right.
All three groups will resort to violence without hesitation. All three are destructive to American society and all three should be regarded as hate groups.
Here's a good video from a guy that I, for the most part, agree with:
Of those protesting the removal of the Confederate statue and the renaming of Lee Park to something else there were:
28% Southern Nationalists
19% White Nationalists
19% Alt Right
19% ProudBoys and AltKnights
17% Militia and Oathkeepers (Constitutionalists)
Let's see, 28+19(3)+17 = 102%... somebody's rounding up, so much for facts but we can get a glimpse of the make-up of these people. There doesn't seem to be much difference between the Alt Right and the White Nationalists, but I've never read anything racist about the Oathkeepers. What I'm wondering is where are the Neo-Nazi's and the KKK in this? Clearly we saw some? These numbers come from the FB page of one of the organizers so we can put its objectivity into question. Facts become less concrete.
Let's look at other evidence, like the tiki-torch march the evening before. Seems innocent right? If your jaw dropped at this remark you are not alone, that's what many would want us to think, not much innocent about this event. What with the Nazi Salutes, Hitler-era chants and others like "Stop immigration, one people, one nation" I somehow doubt they meant all ethnicities with "one people", and I'd like to point out that immigration under the right, controlled circumstances has strengthened this nation. Certainly I agree that we cannot permit unchecked illegal immigration as it is not economically feasible but stopping immigration outright would prevent some of the most brilliant minds on the planet from coming here and contributing to this country. The march also had its fair share of people shouting racial epitaphs, which is not defendable even in the sense that such bigotry was isolated. If you are not a racists then why would you march with racists? Why would you be complacent in the hateful speech if you were against such ideas? Why would you permit such persons to be part of your event? The answer to all these questions is; you wouldn't!
The sad truth is that this Unite the Right rally may have had a legitimate point regarding the removal of the Lee statue and the renaming of the park, but that got lost and invalidated by the bigotry present in its ranks. Another truth is that they had the right to do exactly what they planned to do, we cannot limit free speech just because we disagree with it.
Another chant used was "White lives matter" and, "you will not replace us...". Is this nonsense? Why are they chanting this? Could it be because the democratic party and many leftists have made it a policy to import as many non-whites as they can? Go check for yourself, they don't even hide this anymore! Could it be that White Nationalists have become more active because of policies such as affirmative action? Why does the left show up to these events? Is it because these bigots might actually have a valid point about something?
By showing up to protest this rally all the left did was prove some of the Alt-Rights points correct and give it more publicity than it deserved or would have had if they hadn't showed up. Of course we would have heard even less about it had a deranged unmedicated loony not decided to drive his car into a crowd of protesters killing a young woman. This is a tragedy.
What to do about this? Let these bigots speak, don't show up in protest. If no one shows up and causes a fight then they will get no press, they will be silenced not by force but because no one is listening... because their views are antiquated and invalid (that's the belief right?). This is America, and in America everyone gets to speak their mind no matter how idiotic. As such the bad ideas get little or no support, don't let the bigots drag us backwards. They get global coverage the more such events escalate, reaching more that might just decide to see their view. "All press is good press" or so goes the adage.
I don't have all the details of why the police and state troopers could not keep the peace, they had plenty of preparation time, so being recalled to "re-gear" seems like a bad call. Re-gearing could have been done in smaller groups instead of abandoning two groups that hate one another to duke it out. This may be an over-simplification but basically the Alt-left hates white people and the Alt-right thinks white people are the greatest... in other words they both have strong feelings about white people on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are idiots. Both are fascists. The alt-left(Antifa) is not liberal, they are fascists in their own right... wanting one world view for all people and violently opposing dissenting views. Sounds like fascism to me.
I posted yesterday about what I considered to be domestic terrorism on the part of the alt-left, or Antifa, but I did not want those of you that read these rants of mine to think for one second I support the racism that does exist within parts of the Alt-Right. I don't like what the left is doing in America right now (and for the past several years), but I'm not about to side with racists to oppose them.
From what I can tell at this point is that the Alt-Right is pro-white, and likely white-supremacist and also happens to be conservative, but not necessarily pro-democracy or pro-constitution like most conservatives I know and respect. Their message is divisive, they may have points about the problems in America today but their solution is flawed and does not really represent the conservatives I know.
Antifa or the Alt-Left is a hotbed of leftist hypocrisy and engages in pseudo-terrorist practices, is also fascist (as the alt-right is) and hates white people just as much as the alt-right loves white people.
BLM or Black Lives Matter... or as I like to call them "OBLM", Only Black Lives Matter, is pro-black and anti white... they are anti-white, we cannot deny the evidence of that and are just as racist as the Alt-right. Maybe even as racist as the Neo-Nazi's and KKK, but at least as bigoted as the Alt-Right.
All three groups will resort to violence without hesitation. All three are destructive to American society and all three should be regarded as hate groups.
Here's a good video from a guy that I, for the most part, agree with:
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