Social Madness
Ludicrous Lewdness
I'm becoming increasingly disgusted with where our culture appears to be going.
Part of the issue is the pseudo-science of intersectionality and gender studies being perpetrated as actual science, smearing the name of science. Your conservative evangelical types will then foster suspicion of any science that challenges their world view and in response they categorically condemn it all as 'satanic'. It seems that what some religious people don't understand or want to understand that also threatens their world view must always be instruments of the Devil. It's moronic.
It also drives left further left and right further right, insomuch as they each un-skeptically accept without question whatever mainstream rhetoric their affiliation is regurgitating at the moment.
The article I read the other day on fox had an ad where bunch of gay dudes are dancing together half-nude and making out, like my wife said, I don't want to see any (straight or gay) couples carrying on like that in an ad for a news story (while I eat my lunch no less). When debauchery becomes mainstream we are destined to diminish as a society, as history has shown.
This guy in Canada, (link) tweeting questions about young ladies menstrual details is appalling, as is the politician defending him... er her, whatever. A regular dude or regular woman would be questioned and criticized for making the same posts, but a trans-woman gets away with it? Are we really going to have different standards for different "identity" groups? Do these people not see the danger in this? This IS doing harm, real harm to society and many within it. Calling this bloke a 'he' does not do harm, if HE is that fragile then HE should seek counsel, obviously there is something wrong there. Based on his tweets, there is A LOT wrong there and we need to categorically agree that this is not an example of a balanced, mentally healthy individual. C'mon Canada! Pull your heads out! Should we deny such persons opportunities? No. Should there be laws against them making such choices? No. Should we penalize non-trans people and give trans-folk a pass on despicable behavior? No! Apply reason and the answer is obvious. We seriously need to stop celebrating men whom elect to masquerade as a woman while also condemning regular guys (yeah I said regular because that's what the G.D. word means) as toxically masculine. Yeah there are some pigs out there and some of them have elected to put on women's cloths (not saying that all trans-fems are this case), most men in North America are pretty decent. People need to stop being so intellectually lazy (stupid).
Wage Gap
Of course we cannot talk about this without discussing the "wage gap", a term that has been weaponized by feminist-extremist to justify the further subjugation and slander of decent men. To insist there is a wage gap today and suggest that this is a problem is to blatantly ignore the facts and use statistics that compare apples to oranges. In order to address any wage gap that these dodgy figures might indicate we'd have to impose same pay for different jobs. We'd have to pay teachers the same as engineers, in this case a public sector position and a private sector position (typically), nurses the same as roughnecks (Oil-rig workers, very dangerous), and so on. While I think teachers should be paid more, forcing pay parity with other fields isn't going to get it. I have two adult daughters and I have encouraged both of them to look at the tech field, computer science specifically... like me. What do you suppose they are actually interested in learning about? Music Education (Teacher) and Early Childhood Development... and no one pushed them in these directions. We (wife and I) committed the atrocious act of allowing them to follow their interests (encouraged it as well as tech). I can attest that there is no wage gap or patriarchy in tech, quite the opposite, women are getting promoted over men just because they are women (see previous posts here & here).
The Wall
What else can we talk about? The 'Shutdown'? Yes let's go there... First let me just say, I despise Donald J. Trump, God I wish he could shut the hell up! That being said, he has a few things right. I for one have always preferred to build bridges and not walls, however, the first thing I did when our new neighbors proved to be dangerous was to put up a stronger, taller fence, get a protective dog, and place the appropriate signage (private property, beware of dog, etc.) on that fence/gate. So I can't be a hypocrite like most wall-opposers. Trump was wrong about a few things though, illegal migration does not harm all Americans. Democrats benefit, don't deny it, it is just so blatantly obvious. So there are some truths that we need to weigh when it comes to our southern boarder, besides the scary things Trump claimed, there is the abuse of our social welfare programs as well as boarder policy. After 2 decades in the US, 73% of migrant households from central and south America access social welfare programs. Access to the programs in general from migrants is double that of native-born Americans with South Asian migrants being the lowest (17%). Stefan has these stats here.
Now if you are still okay with the higher crime and the over-use of taxpayer funds, there is still the sticky subject of terrorism. There are of course other ways for jihadis to get into America, but we are trying to plug those inlets, why not this one? A wall would be effective, experts in this area attest to a wall/barrier's effectiveness. There was a democrap on the tube the other day and the interviewer (probably Tucker) asked him why he wouldn't take the advice of border agents that are overwhelmingly calling for a barrier in addition to the other proposed counter measures, the politician claimed that these agents weren't "policy makers"! Yeah bud, unlike you they are not bought and sold career politicians! Nancy Pelosi said in her rebuttal to POTUS's address that they had other ways to "detect" border crossings. Did anyone else catch that? She said "Detect". Neither she nor Chuck said anything about 'prevention' because they are not for prevention. The democraps apparently prefer border agents to put their lives at risk chasing down those that illegally cross, this often gets into foot races, sometimes with dangerous people. Some of my family have witnessed this first hand.
In the very least the wall will force migrants into more controllable areas, I say let the Trump build the damn thing, then when the Dems get control of the white house again (and they will) we can better decide how to humanly address the issue of poverty and violence south of our border. If we fail to secure it now the poverty and violence will spread to our country more than it has already. This is a crisis. Notice how the democraps called it a crisis until the Trumpster called it a crisis? As soon as he said so they accused him of fear-mongering (which he may be guilty of). Such hypocrites. Fund the wall, end the shutdown already. Most of them have voted for it in the past because securing a nation's border just makes sense, I can't even believe there's a debate.
To any liberals that might be reading this, the black market exchange goes something like this; drugs come into America and guns go into Mexico and beyond. Most of the violence south of our border is perpetrated with guns that went south from America illegally. The border wall would help prevent this, or at least reduce the amount that go over the border... forcing them to smuggle in different, more difficult ways... where we can go after them there. Unless you hate people south of our border, you racist, and care not for the suffering of other human beings.
Climate Change
Lastly we should hit Climate Change, just to round out the trigger warnings for all. Most of my conservative friends are going to hate on me and my liberal friends (both of them) will not count me as a complete loss. I've taken a deep look at the denier or 'skeptic' arguments as well as the 'alarmist' arguments, or data. The truth is, the 'skeptic' arguments fizzle and do not hold up against the scrutiny of science. The reason Climate Scientists call them "deniers" is because if they were actually skeptical (as I am) they would dig deeper and see the actual scientific data, some do, and still find a reason to 'deny', they would find that the supposed skeptical arguments are just that, arguments. They have no solid data based in reality. But don't take my word for it. Dig as I did, and be skeptical about all of it, do not fall victim to confirmation bias (accepting explanations that fit your desired truth without scrutiny), there is a lot of convincing denier "data" out there. It's easy to say "It's the Sun stupid" and leave it at that. Believe me, that is irresponsible. If at the end of your research journey you feel powerless to make some changes, I chastise thee! This is America! We put men on the moon among many other great achievements. It just takes the desire and maybe drive to change.
From climate change we can circle back to border security. Sea levels are coming up and this is going to start displacing people, as well as the drought-driven famine (remember Syria?). Some of these people will need sanctuary as refugees, others are going to blame America for this (and everything else) and try and do us harm. So it is better not to simply 'detect' that someone has entered our country illegally, but to process every individual that we can coming in at the point of entry and vet those that we can. Maybe reject or delay those we cannot vet? At this point we should at least recognize that we have bigger issues (border security, climate change) than whether some mentally-ill dude in women's clothes is called 'he' or 'she' by other persons or if nurses (mostly women) are making as much as Software Architects (mostly men).
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