"Impeach!"... Stupid Democrats, T.D.S. 2.0
So we have all now heard from the Mueller Report, that there was, and is no evidence of collusion with Russia regarding the 2016 Election Campaign, and outside of the report there is mounting evidence that the 'Collusion' conspiracy was fabricated by Trump's political opponents. The Democrats still won't let it rest, he has to be guilty of something they think. So they went on to obstruction (which was always plan B for when (not if) the collusion conspiracy failed), which the report does site several incidents where there might be justification for charges of obstruction. So the Democrats get together and push, they push for subpoenas for documents, financial records, and taxes among other things. Trump reacts. He blocks the release of financial statements from his banks with law suites. He directs people to 'no show' before the congressional witch hunt, which drives the deranged democrats to conclude that he's hiding something. Yeah, he is hiding the fact ...