"Impeach!"... Stupid Democrats, T.D.S. 2.0

So we have all now heard from the Mueller Report, that there was, and is no evidence of collusion with Russia regarding the 2016 Election Campaign, and outside of the report there is mounting evidence that the 'Collusion' conspiracy was fabricated by Trump's political opponents. The Democrats still won't let it rest, he has to be guilty of something they think. So they went on to obstruction (which was always plan B for when (not if) the collusion conspiracy failed), which the report does site several incidents where there might be justification for charges of obstruction. So the Democrats get together and push, they push for subpoenas for documents, financial records, and taxes among other things. Trump reacts. He blocks the release of financial statements from his banks with law suites. He directs people to 'no show' before the congressional witch hunt, which drives the deranged democrats to conclude that he's hiding something. Yeah, he is hiding the fact that he is playing the Democrats like a fiddle.

2020 is right around the corner, the irony of this number is that I do not believe the Democrats can see what Trump is playing at, and so after the election hindsight will of course be 20-20. The manner in which our POTUS speaks and tweets gives many the impression that he is simply not that bright. He is not smart enough to fool the democrats, or so they believe. If we review interviews with Trump from ten years ago he is well-spoken, sober, thoughtful, and yes, intelligent. His current pattern of speech may be a deliberate ploy to build under-confidence in his intellect and so hi opponents underestimate him... as they have since he announced his candidacy.
Going back the the obstruction charge, it would seem that he did things that perhaps did not look good, but fall just short of actual obstruction as it is legally defined. His efforts to block the release of his financial statements and taxes only add fuel to the fire of the suspicion that he is hiding something. Some still assert it might be Russia. Now they are saying that Trump and his administration are performing a cover-up. I think Pelosi's resistance to calling for impeachment hearings is due in part to her ability to perceive, at least, to potential backlash that the democratic party will suffer when these efforts fail. Maybe she's even aware that Trump is baiting them into it. This is how he will win 2020, at least in part. Pair it with the economic success we are seeing and what can very well potentially happen on the other side of the China-US trade negotiations, the democrats will have nothing to compete with. The democrats will be seen as the party of vitriol, angst, and irrationality, but most importantly after being played so well by Trump they will look foolish and unfit to lead.

Timing is key. If all the statements, taxes, and testimonies come out too soon it won't be relevant enough to impact the election. People are like goldfish and forget easily, especially when the bought-media put other flashy distractions in their faces to help them forget. I suspect that the legal proceedings to get Trump's financial statements, to release his taxes, and to release other documents and testimonies related to the Mueller Report will go into 2020 at some point around or after the Dem's pick a nominee. Then one by one the info will come out and there will not be anything substantive enough to file any sort of charges against DJT, and Trump will pounce. He will show how they, the Dems, lied, accused, cried, and were wrong. He will show us all that his opposing party only knows how to fail and then whine and cry about it, and he'll only need to point to what they have been up to since the election campaign in 2016 when Trump won the nomination for the Republican party.

Consider the fact that he has considered running before in this century. He would not go against Bush, nor would he try to follow Bush due to the perceived failures of the Republican party in 2008 he knew only a Democrat could win. With Obama in office, he considered 2012, but at that time he could see that chances of beating the incumbent were slim. Come 2016 he knew precisely what to run on and he knew how to play the democrats then... and still does. His persona has been weaponized, the Democrats think it is their weapon, but in truth it is their weakness. And so they will lose.

Trump Derangement Syndrome 2.0 will go well into the next year, and it will be at least a year before it peaks and it will be evident then, that they have been stupid democrats. So as long as the economy holds and our foreign adversaries are at least kept in check he will win by a landslide.


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