
Showing posts from August, 2019


It seems as of late all you hear shrieking out of the conscripted-liberal media and their politician-puppets is whiteness-bad!  To which I say, "but facts..." It all began when some professor scratching for a crumb of relevance constructed the racist myth that by virtue of their skin tone (or lack there of) white people were afforded things that others have been denied. You have all heard this B.S. before, and any rational person willing to dig just a little will determine that other than the cases of wealth inheritance, every person that has any measure of success in this competitive capitalist nation has had to work their proverbial ass off for it. If "whiteness" was such a deterministic factor than explain to me trailer parks? Or better yet, why is it that both Asians and Jews do statistically better than whites? What about Asian-privilege, or Jew-privilege? Point of fact, one of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know is Hispanic that immigrated, illegal...

The line up 2020!

So the 2020 lineup is, for the most part, a horrible joke. Particularly the popular candidates. I'd like to think about who they all were in high school. Beto O'Rourke - that guy that got stuck backing his car out at your party... where he was leaving, alone. Booker - that guy in high school that tried too hard to make friends and impress, who was not really a bad guy, so everyone just tolerated him. Sanders - that government teacher in high school that always got worked up when the topic of economics came up... which is why he wasn't the econ teacher Mayor Pete - the valedictorian. The know-it-all. Sen Warren - that girl that was prone to making outlandish claims that no one could really dispute but everyone knew she was full of crap. You know, the one that also talked loudly so everyone knew she was there... Joe Biden - that rich kid, Joey, whose dad owned a construction business, the kid that everyone bought drugs from that had all the teachers fooled, exce...

Toxic Feminism

We've all heard about toxic masculinity, about how "boys being boys" is somehow 'bad' or oppressive, violent, regressive, or otherwise harmful to society. The implication is that everything about girls is good, right, and beneficial to society. Anyone that grew up in a family environment with boys and girls know that girls are (generally) far more manipulative and twice as savage as boys when it comes to confrontation and conflict resolution. Boys may be quicker to shove or throw a punch, but generally after quick scraps that most often get broken up by adults or older siblings/peers the conflict is resolved. This behavior in boys helps build conflict resolution skills and learn to better associate with other boys (and not be so quick to act out in violence as it has a cost). I'm not talking about the bullying that happens in schools, which is by no means exclusive to boys, or even dominated by boys... again, girls, savage. Despite these and other factors reg...