It seems as of late all you hear shrieking out of the conscripted-liberal media and their politician-puppets is whiteness-bad! To which I say, "but facts..."
It all began when some professor scratching for a crumb of relevance constructed the racist myth that by virtue of their skin tone (or lack there of) white people were afforded things that others have been denied. You have all heard this B.S. before, and any rational person willing to dig just a little will determine that other than the cases of wealth inheritance, every person that has any measure of success in this competitive capitalist nation has had to work their proverbial ass off for it. If "whiteness" was such a deterministic factor than explain to me trailer parks? Or better yet, why is it that both Asians and Jews do statistically better than whites? What about Asian-privilege, or Jew-privilege? Point of fact, one of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know is Hispanic that immigrated, illegally, as a boy (damn good man I might add).
So then the cries of 'white privilege' evolved into 'white nationalism', and even more recently into 'white-supremacy'. Media outlets like MSNBC have gone so far as to accuse Trump of dog-whistling to these supremacists. Donald J. Trump is the least subliminal president in US history, in fact one of the biggest problems he has is that he doesn't know how to not share his true thoughts. When white young people engage in these mass shootings, the fact that they are white seems to be part of most of the headlines, when the shooter is Asian or black (as with the first Walmart mass shooting-black guy) that part is not emphasized and the story quickly looses attention. It doesn't fit the narrative of whiteness bad! This all seems to be by design, if they simply went straight to "white supremacy" no one would have given it any credibility, but after pushing the 'privilege' narrative, then the 'nationalist' narrative, it's a smaller jump to the 'supremacy'. We've been lead to this trough and many are lapping it up.
We can look at many US cities where violence is bad, of these Chicago comes to mind first. The facts show that the number of gun-homicides in 48hrs in the Windy City match or exceed the two mass shootings that happened in the same time period in El Paso and Dayton. The most lethal threat to young black men is other young black men, not the police, not by any measure. But no one is protesting this in CA or NY or anywhere, other than Chicago. These deaths completely eclipse the mass-shooting deaths in number and frequency and are committed overwhelmingly with hand-guns. But the racist liberals don't seem to care about these deaths or these guns, apparently black on black violence is okay with them and despite the fact that handguns are responsible for 95%+ of gun-related homicides they only call for the ban of semi-automatic rifles. There is but one reason that those in power want rifles out of the hands of the common man. A rebellion or revolt against tyranny cannot be conducted with handguns and shotguns alone. It requires rifles. It does not require F-16's and Apache Helicopters, if it did the Taliban would be long gone... as would ISIS and Al Qaeda. Gun bans will only affect those we might want to actually retain their arms.
Joe Biden talks about a 'buy-back' plan to get the semi-auto rifles out of the hands of civilians. The only people that are going to comply with such a plan aren't the criminals or psychologically unstable potential mass-shooters. They are law-abiding citizens, some of which might resist tyranny. It will not help or impact what we are seeing in America at all. Chicago and other cities will still be a blood bath, mass shooters will likely rise as a result of such actions by our government. None of this has anything to do with "whiteness" just as the violence in places like Chicago has nothing to do with 'blackness'. It has everything to do with economic disparity, and the welfare state.
Recently Tucker Carlson of Fox made the important point that we all need to pay attention to, while the media and politicians keep us busy looking at race we neglect to look at the true dividing factor in America, class. When we factor in class, race nearly disappears, noting the exception that African-Americans represent a disproportionate amount of the lower economic class and if you want something to blame for this look to the welfare system. Larry Elder said it best when he stated (paraphrase) that the democratic party has wed itself to African American women and relieved African American men of their responsibility to the family unit through the welfare system. Why do we think that conservatives are so focused on the importance of the family unit? If you hate conservatives at least admit this, they would prefer that people work hard and support themselves rather than be dependent on the State.
But let's say I'm wrong and 'Privilege' is the problem. We would need to lump Asians and Jews in with the Whites since they are statistically more successful than whites. In doing so we will just call it 'Privilege' and drop the term 'white'. Asians, Whites, and Jews have all done some bad in the world, usually these were actions of nations and had little to do with ethnicity, but if we are going to play the identity politics game we will blame it all on race. We Asians, Jews, and Whites will take back everything, all contributions both good and bad. Electricity, automobiles, modern medicine, the internet, computers, the Sistine Chapel, Mozart and Bach, and the world's most renown philosophers. Nearly every comfort and advancement that has improved the quality of life of all of us was invented by a European, American, Israeli, Korean, Japanese, Indian, or Chinese (yay gunpowder!). And before you blame whites for slavery, remember that it was whites that ended the practice globally in the 19th century. Africa brought it back in the 21st (though the US bears some responsibility for F-ing up Libya and creating the environment where it could happen -thanks Hilary!). We will live in the dark without devices, TV, Google, iPhones, clean water, and modern medicine and all live to the ripe old age of 35.
Of course this is preposterous, no one is gonna take back anything (actually a very childish argument), in fact I think we can all agree that the world is better off now that it has ever been. Yes there are still wars and conflicts but these are smaller now than they have been in past centuries, we are moving forward as a species and I'm sure we can all agree that it is good. While growing pains are to be expected I believe that all wish to work in such a direction. The success of Jews, Europeans (whites), and Asians in the 20th century have little to do with their ethnicity and more to do with the success of culture and how the trials and errors of that growth have resulted in better ways to organize societies (There are some arguments on average IQ's of groups of people as related to overall cultural success but this is controversial and unsettled). Despite its many pitfalls, capitalism and free trade in democracies and democratic republics (actual republics) have nurtured growth and innovation. While these societies were championed by 'white' cultures, others have seen the benefit and perhaps have made improvements (S. Korea is doing pretty darn good). We can see that there are many evils going on in the world, (Cartel Violence in Mexico, Ecuador, etc. and open slavery and genocide in places like Africa, along with oppressive regimes in the Middle East and parts of Asia) such circumstances are noticeably absent from places like Europe, Canada, America, and Australia. If we are truly going to be self-critical here in America, we needn't be looking at 'whiteness' or 'blackness', or any other '-ness', we should be turning our eyes to US foreign policy and military interventionism (which is why I like Tulsi Gabbard), in a world of vile regimes, genocide, resurgent slavery and terrorism the U.S. and its allies have dirty hands. It has nothing to do with privilege and everything to do with oil, currency, and central banking. Don't let them keep us divided by keeping us focused on such superficial characteristics as skin tone and neighborhood. The blame game, accusing white people for everyone else's ills, in my view has had more of an effect the rise (if there is any) in white nationalism or even racism, than the ugly speech of a mouthy president, which is mostly likely by design. Just think about it! Our government has been up to no good for decades now, and following the failure of the Bush administration to locate any WMD's in Iraq and with the rise in alternate media (youtube, etc.), people started waking up to the existence of The Empire. We needed to be distracted by something. Enter white privilege, identity politics, black lives matter... climate change??? Hey, whether man-made climate change is a thing, it has definitely been used as a distraction and has now been politically weaponized, just like identity politics, just like whiteness and dare I add, toxic masculinity.
Certainly there are folks born into more opportunity that other folks, only the ignorant would claim otherwise. This is why we have policies such as 'Equal opportunity employers', this does not guarantee equality of outcome. We all still are required to work for success, both rich and poor. Those that expect it to simply come to them because they were born into money are just as likely to end up on the streets and addicted. Here in America, the rich can become poor, and the poor can become rich, the biggest roadblock to such changes in station is socialism, and socialist programs. In such countries the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich.
It all began when some professor scratching for a crumb of relevance constructed the racist myth that by virtue of their skin tone (or lack there of) white people were afforded things that others have been denied. You have all heard this B.S. before, and any rational person willing to dig just a little will determine that other than the cases of wealth inheritance, every person that has any measure of success in this competitive capitalist nation has had to work their proverbial ass off for it. If "whiteness" was such a deterministic factor than explain to me trailer parks? Or better yet, why is it that both Asians and Jews do statistically better than whites? What about Asian-privilege, or Jew-privilege? Point of fact, one of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know is Hispanic that immigrated, illegally, as a boy (damn good man I might add).
So then the cries of 'white privilege' evolved into 'white nationalism', and even more recently into 'white-supremacy'. Media outlets like MSNBC have gone so far as to accuse Trump of dog-whistling to these supremacists. Donald J. Trump is the least subliminal president in US history, in fact one of the biggest problems he has is that he doesn't know how to not share his true thoughts. When white young people engage in these mass shootings, the fact that they are white seems to be part of most of the headlines, when the shooter is Asian or black (as with the first Walmart mass shooting-black guy) that part is not emphasized and the story quickly looses attention. It doesn't fit the narrative of whiteness bad! This all seems to be by design, if they simply went straight to "white supremacy" no one would have given it any credibility, but after pushing the 'privilege' narrative, then the 'nationalist' narrative, it's a smaller jump to the 'supremacy'. We've been lead to this trough and many are lapping it up.
We can look at many US cities where violence is bad, of these Chicago comes to mind first. The facts show that the number of gun-homicides in 48hrs in the Windy City match or exceed the two mass shootings that happened in the same time period in El Paso and Dayton. The most lethal threat to young black men is other young black men, not the police, not by any measure. But no one is protesting this in CA or NY or anywhere, other than Chicago. These deaths completely eclipse the mass-shooting deaths in number and frequency and are committed overwhelmingly with hand-guns. But the racist liberals don't seem to care about these deaths or these guns, apparently black on black violence is okay with them and despite the fact that handguns are responsible for 95%+ of gun-related homicides they only call for the ban of semi-automatic rifles. There is but one reason that those in power want rifles out of the hands of the common man. A rebellion or revolt against tyranny cannot be conducted with handguns and shotguns alone. It requires rifles. It does not require F-16's and Apache Helicopters, if it did the Taliban would be long gone... as would ISIS and Al Qaeda. Gun bans will only affect those we might want to actually retain their arms.
Joe Biden talks about a 'buy-back' plan to get the semi-auto rifles out of the hands of civilians. The only people that are going to comply with such a plan aren't the criminals or psychologically unstable potential mass-shooters. They are law-abiding citizens, some of which might resist tyranny. It will not help or impact what we are seeing in America at all. Chicago and other cities will still be a blood bath, mass shooters will likely rise as a result of such actions by our government. None of this has anything to do with "whiteness" just as the violence in places like Chicago has nothing to do with 'blackness'. It has everything to do with economic disparity, and the welfare state.
Recently Tucker Carlson of Fox made the important point that we all need to pay attention to, while the media and politicians keep us busy looking at race we neglect to look at the true dividing factor in America, class. When we factor in class, race nearly disappears, noting the exception that African-Americans represent a disproportionate amount of the lower economic class and if you want something to blame for this look to the welfare system. Larry Elder said it best when he stated (paraphrase) that the democratic party has wed itself to African American women and relieved African American men of their responsibility to the family unit through the welfare system. Why do we think that conservatives are so focused on the importance of the family unit? If you hate conservatives at least admit this, they would prefer that people work hard and support themselves rather than be dependent on the State.
But let's say I'm wrong and 'Privilege' is the problem. We would need to lump Asians and Jews in with the Whites since they are statistically more successful than whites. In doing so we will just call it 'Privilege' and drop the term 'white'. Asians, Whites, and Jews have all done some bad in the world, usually these were actions of nations and had little to do with ethnicity, but if we are going to play the identity politics game we will blame it all on race. We Asians, Jews, and Whites will take back everything, all contributions both good and bad. Electricity, automobiles, modern medicine, the internet, computers, the Sistine Chapel, Mozart and Bach, and the world's most renown philosophers. Nearly every comfort and advancement that has improved the quality of life of all of us was invented by a European, American, Israeli, Korean, Japanese, Indian, or Chinese (yay gunpowder!). And before you blame whites for slavery, remember that it was whites that ended the practice globally in the 19th century. Africa brought it back in the 21st (though the US bears some responsibility for F-ing up Libya and creating the environment where it could happen -thanks Hilary!). We will live in the dark without devices, TV, Google, iPhones, clean water, and modern medicine and all live to the ripe old age of 35.
Of course this is preposterous, no one is gonna take back anything (actually a very childish argument), in fact I think we can all agree that the world is better off now that it has ever been. Yes there are still wars and conflicts but these are smaller now than they have been in past centuries, we are moving forward as a species and I'm sure we can all agree that it is good. While growing pains are to be expected I believe that all wish to work in such a direction. The success of Jews, Europeans (whites), and Asians in the 20th century have little to do with their ethnicity and more to do with the success of culture and how the trials and errors of that growth have resulted in better ways to organize societies (There are some arguments on average IQ's of groups of people as related to overall cultural success but this is controversial and unsettled). Despite its many pitfalls, capitalism and free trade in democracies and democratic republics (actual republics) have nurtured growth and innovation. While these societies were championed by 'white' cultures, others have seen the benefit and perhaps have made improvements (S. Korea is doing pretty darn good). We can see that there are many evils going on in the world, (Cartel Violence in Mexico, Ecuador, etc. and open slavery and genocide in places like Africa, along with oppressive regimes in the Middle East and parts of Asia) such circumstances are noticeably absent from places like Europe, Canada, America, and Australia. If we are truly going to be self-critical here in America, we needn't be looking at 'whiteness' or 'blackness', or any other '-ness', we should be turning our eyes to US foreign policy and military interventionism (which is why I like Tulsi Gabbard), in a world of vile regimes, genocide, resurgent slavery and terrorism the U.S. and its allies have dirty hands. It has nothing to do with privilege and everything to do with oil, currency, and central banking. Don't let them keep us divided by keeping us focused on such superficial characteristics as skin tone and neighborhood. The blame game, accusing white people for everyone else's ills, in my view has had more of an effect the rise (if there is any) in white nationalism or even racism, than the ugly speech of a mouthy president, which is mostly likely by design. Just think about it! Our government has been up to no good for decades now, and following the failure of the Bush administration to locate any WMD's in Iraq and with the rise in alternate media (youtube, etc.), people started waking up to the existence of The Empire. We needed to be distracted by something. Enter white privilege, identity politics, black lives matter... climate change??? Hey, whether man-made climate change is a thing, it has definitely been used as a distraction and has now been politically weaponized, just like identity politics, just like whiteness and dare I add, toxic masculinity.
Certainly there are folks born into more opportunity that other folks, only the ignorant would claim otherwise. This is why we have policies such as 'Equal opportunity employers', this does not guarantee equality of outcome. We all still are required to work for success, both rich and poor. Those that expect it to simply come to them because they were born into money are just as likely to end up on the streets and addicted. Here in America, the rich can become poor, and the poor can become rich, the biggest roadblock to such changes in station is socialism, and socialist programs. In such countries the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich.
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