The Second American Revolution
The year 2020 has been a perfect storm for social and political change and we are just halfway through it. It began with Jeffrey Epstein and the revelation that some of our Western leaders were involved in what is effectively being called a pedophile ring. What little faith we had in those who govern was and is further damaged as we shook our heads with disgust at what men and women in power are capable of. Then we got smacked with COVID19 and witnessed an over-reach of government power. The same government we all find so untrustworthy. It wasn't the social distancing guidelines, face masks, or hand-washing that those of us that are fond of liberty found objectionable, it was the shuttering of businesses and the enforcement of the guidelines as rules or law that was a blatant overreach of power and an infringement on our civil liberties that concerns us. What the government showed us in many states was that such rights they swore to defend are no longer ours, no longer inali...