
The Second American Revolution

The year 2020 has been a perfect storm for social and political change and we are just halfway through it. It began with Jeffrey Epstein and the revelation that some of our Western leaders were involved in what is effectively being called a pedophile ring. What little faith we had in those who govern was and is further damaged as we shook our heads with disgust at what men and women in power are capable of.  Then we got smacked with COVID19 and  witnessed an over-reach of government power. The same government we all find so untrustworthy. It wasn't the social distancing guidelines, face masks, or hand-washing that those of us that are fond of liberty found objectionable, it was the shuttering of businesses and the enforcement of the guidelines as rules or law that was a blatant overreach of power and an infringement on our civil liberties that concerns us. What the government showed us in many states was that such rights they swore to defend are no longer ours, no longer inali...

Term Limits or Nobility?

When our country was founded the framers of its structure did not put into place term limits, but left it open for future legislators to do so if deemed appropriate. Initially our President didn't have term limits, in fact FDR was elected to a 4th term! The 22nd Amendment changed all of that on March 24th 1947 following our 32nd president's 4th electoral win in 1944, and ratified in 1951. Thirty-two president's before term limits! Something I bet most are unaware of. Some of our nations founders were okay with life-appointments for the office of president while others, such as George Mason, denounced such ideas as establishing an 'elected monarchy'. I think Mason was right and I think I can prove it. Have you ever wondered why it is that our members of congress are not subject to term limits? While I was discussing the topic with my wife, she quickly looked up the current Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. She has been serving in the House since 1987 starting h...

Religiocity (Part1)

Recently I was watching a docu-series on cults and extreme religions in America and I was watching the sixth episode, which is documenting the Twelve Tribes (Est ~1977) it dawned on me that there is the potential that these extreme off-shoots of mainstream religion might point us to the inevitability that all religions are founded in similar circumstance, and are as a result, complete malarkey. We could propose a couple of things that I think would be difficult for anyone to refute. The first is, like I said above, a small group of individuals within a culture took the premise of their tribes spiritual mythology to a fundamentalist extreme. This likely happened many times, but one particular iteration possessed the right recipe to endure long enough for elders of that society to realize that the religious sect in question possessed the tools that could effectively govern a population with rules rooted in morality. The second proposal is that the resurfacing of fundamentalist sects thr...

Outbreak 2020

Links: The Corona virus known as COVID-19 had 276 known cases on January 19th with 4 deaths and no recoveries. We were initially told to be more concerned about the seasonal flu that had around 10,000 deaths at the end of January our of over a million infected. The lethality of the flu is 0.095% (or round up to 0.1%), where the COVID-19 was estimated to have a lethality of 2-4%, or 20-40 times higher than the flu. COVID-19 has proven to be more contagious than the flu, and potentially 10x more deadly. It is far more contagious and as a result more lethal than swine flu. By comparison the swine flu had infected just a few hundred people by day 41 whereas COVID-19 h...

CA is not for Americans

There are laws in nearly every state that assert that a homicide committed in relation to illegal drug activity can and should be tried as a first degree murder due to the foreknowledge of the legality and severity of such activities. Or more basically put, you know that there is a high probability that armed conflict might occur, and thus premeditation. Not in California though, some leftist in some city far from El Dorado County decided a few years ago that such standards needed to end. And the Mexican Nationals that gunned down Deputy Brian Ishmael knew it, the organized crime that pours over our boarders from Mexico know our laws better than most that legally live here. Now a beloved member of our CA community is dead and CA law enforcement and the courts they serve have their hands tied regarding a conviction. When these two cartel-related Mexicans were brought to the El Dorado County Jail, they were held but not booked. Federal law enforcement showed up to process them but the ...

Perspective: Fear

During what can easily be defined as the most politically "toxic" social climate America has seen since the civil rights movement of the 1960's (or perhaps even the civil war) it has become increasingly difficult to determine (for oneself) exactly what tidbit of news is 'fake' or real, but also resulting from some triggered victimhood for which the perpetually offended should probably just suck it up and shut the F- up. If you're nodding your head then you know of what I speak. People are increasingly offended by anything that does not resemble their particular worldview, without realizing the reality of why diversity of thought is a good thing. They want ethnic diversity, but not ideological diversity, do they not remember the lessons of the past? The monolith for which they long is not unlike the monolithic ideologies that were promoted by Stalin, Mao, Hitler, among others. That aside, we (those that see this all as a problem) are still bewildered by those t...


It seems as of late all you hear shrieking out of the conscripted-liberal media and their politician-puppets is whiteness-bad!  To which I say, "but facts..." It all began when some professor scratching for a crumb of relevance constructed the racist myth that by virtue of their skin tone (or lack there of) white people were afforded things that others have been denied. You have all heard this B.S. before, and any rational person willing to dig just a little will determine that other than the cases of wealth inheritance, every person that has any measure of success in this competitive capitalist nation has had to work their proverbial ass off for it. If "whiteness" was such a deterministic factor than explain to me trailer parks? Or better yet, why is it that both Asians and Jews do statistically better than whites? What about Asian-privilege, or Jew-privilege? Point of fact, one of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know is Hispanic that immigrated, illegal...